Congratulations to the Meigs Middle softball team for their 3-2 victory last night. They will play tonight for the district championship! Game time is 7:30 at McMinn Central High School. Come out and support our middle school softball team!!!
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
8th grade students at Meigs Middle participated in the "Life Maze". The Meigs County Coordinated School Health and the Meigs County Health Council along with other community organizations brought this exciting program to our school. "Life Maze" is like a large board game of rooms designed to let teens experience the consequences - positive and negative - of life choices. The rooms are created to focus on meaningful reality checks and present interactive educational information through role playing. The facts are presented in a nonjudgmental way and focus on the consequences of their "choices" that are randomly drawn during the exercise. The "Life Maze" was staffed by volunteers from organizations, agencies, and members of our substance abuse prevention coalition. Meigs Middle would like to thank all the volunteers who helped out.....because of your efforts, the program was a huge success!
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
life maze
life maze
life maze
life maze
Our school board members recognized Meigs Middle faculty and others for their years of service: Mrs. Bridgette Rayl - 15 years, Mr. Ronnie Woods - 30 years, and Mrs. Barb Johnson - 5 years. Faculty received a gift of appreciation for their dedication to our system.
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
years of service
Hat and Sweatpants Fridays to raise money for PTO!!
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Meigs High Cheerleaders would like to invite everyone to come out for a fun night at the Halloween Bash Wrestling Event on October 22nd!
over 2 years ago, Meigs County Schools
Meigs Middle School girl's basketball tryouts will be October 3rd, 3:30 - 5:00.
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Spirit week at Meigs Middle has been rescheduled to October 3-7.
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Personalized AD for 8th grade students
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
yearbook ad
yearbook ad
Meigs Middle participated in a pep rally to recognize our football team and football cheerleaders.
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Meigs Middle Walk-A-Thon "Caring for Carol Ann"
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Meigs Middle football homecoming has been rescheduled. Homecoming will be Thursday, October 6th.
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) kicked off today at Meigs Middle! Students played "What's In The Box?" Students connected the game to their lives by learning that they have something hidden inside them, too! Students were encouraged not to hide their light at school but to let it shine!
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
On behalf of Amvets Post 90 in Decatur, Deborah Huffman presents Mr. Higdon, 8th grade social studies teacher and girls' basketball coach, pocket sized Constitutions to give to each 8th grade student at Meigs Middle. Saturday, September 17th, is Constitution Day. Amvets Post 90 wanted to give our students the opportunity to learn more about our Constitution whether at home or school. Meigs Middle would like to thank Amvets Post 90 for providing our students with additional educational supplies to further our knowledge of our country!
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Pocket Constitutions
Meigs Middle enjoyed an afternoon of fun. Students who had no more than 9 points, all work completed and no ISS spent the afternoon outside. Reward day will happen throughout the year. Students need to continue with good behavior and stay caught up on assignments!
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Behavior reward
Behavior reward
Congratulations to the Meigs Middle school softball team for their 8-0 win yesterday against Loudon.
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Congratulations to the Meigs Middle football team for their victory over Sequoyah last night 14-12.
over 2 years ago, Becky Ponder
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Meigs County Schools, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!

 Download for Android
 Download for iPhone Article #1: We’re thrilled to announce the new app for Meigs County Schools! It’s everything Meigs County Schools, in your pocket. [Embed Launch Video] With the new app, you can access documents, events, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download for Android
 Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Meigs County Schools
Cell Phone
Families: Enroll today in the TCAP Family Portal Today Use the TCAP Family Portal to • access to your student’s state test results via your phone or computer. • track progress over time. • view a personalized video report that offers an easy-to-understand story for students and parents by interpreting scores, highlighting strengths and weaknesses, and providing personalized resources for improvement. • learn the areas where your student demonstrated strengths, and the areas where they can still grow. • find clear next steps to help your student improve.
over 2 years ago, Meigs County Schools
Come out and support our MMS Football Team tonight. Kickoff is at 7pm!
over 2 years ago, Mikki Plaster
MMS Tigers!
Please visit the CoVID-19 Dashboard to report a positive CoVID case. Visit & click on the CoVID-19 Dashboard.
over 2 years ago, Meigs County Schools
CoVID 19 Dashboard Text